NECSI is currently seeking outstanding research scientists interested in studying networks, agent-based modeling, multiscale analysis and complexity, chaos and predictability, evolution, ecology, biodiversity, altruism, systems biology, cellular response, healthcare and dynamic medicine, systems engineering, negotiation, military conflict, ethnic violence, and international development. For more information and an application, please click here.
Paul Stephen Ayella-Ataro - Ugandan Medical Doctor, Public Health Consultant, NECSI
Yaneer Bar-Yam - President, NECSI
Albert-László Barabási - Northeastern University, Department of Physics
Michel Baranger - MIT, Dept. of Physics
Dan Braha - University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Charles Cantor - Boston University, Center for Advanced Biotechnology (Director)
Terrence Deacon - Boston University, Department of Anthropology
Irving Epstein - Brandeis University, Chemistry Dept.
Eric Feigl-Ding - Federation of American Scientists
Jeffrey Fuhrer - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
William Gelbart - Harvard University, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Ernest Hartmann - Tufts University Medical School and Newton Wellesley Hospital
Jerome Kagan - Harvard University, Department of Psychology
Mehran Kardar - MIT, Dept. of Physics
Les Kaufman - Boston University, Dept. of Biology
Eric Klopfer - MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Director of Teacher Education Program
Frannie Léautier - The Fezembat Group
Blake LeBaron - Brandeis University, Graduate School of International Economics and Finance
Luci Leykum - University of Texas, Health Science Center
Elena N. Naumova - Tufts, Division of Nutrition Data Sciences
Joa Okech-Ojony - WHO, NECSI
Sandy Pentland - MIT, Human Dynamics Laboratory
Thomas Petzinger - NECSI
Stuart Pimm - Duke University, Environmental Sciences and Policy Division
Deb Roy - MIT, Laboratory for Social Machines
Larry Rudolph - MIT, Laboratory for Computer Science
Thomas Schelling - University of Maryland, Department of Economics and School of Public Affairs
Peter Senge - MIT, Sloan School of Management
Temple Smith - BU, Director Biomolecular Engineering Research Center, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
John Sterman - MIT, Sloan School of Management
James Stock - Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government
Kaitlin Sundling - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - New York University, Risk Engineering
Hiroshi Tasaka - NECSI, Director of the Japan Liaison Office
C. Peter Timmer - Harvard University, Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Development Studies, Emeritus
Günter Wagner - Yale University, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Matti TJ Heino - University of Helsinki, Tampere University
Sunil Raina - Dr. RP Government Medical College, Tanda
Matthias F. Schneider - Medical and Biological Physics Department of Physics Technische Universität Dortmund
Stephane Bilodeau - McGill University