New England Complex Systems Institute

Support the Mission

Your generous contributions enable NECSI to find compassionate, practical solutions to real-world problems.

We would appreciate support to expand our pandemic and public health and safety efforts


*NECSI is a non-profit 501c(3). Donations are tax exempt.


Individual membership

Make a One-Time Donation


Monthly Membership

Friend through President’s Circles

Special Membership Levels

Advisory and Partner Circles


Your generous contributions enable NECSI to find solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.


Organizational sponsorship

Become a Sponsor


Your generous sponsorship enables NECSI to find solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.


Thank you to our Advisory and President’s Circle Members for your continued support:


President’s Circle

Boris Polania

David Davin

Percy Venegas

Ataro Paul Stephen Ayella

Matthew Heidemann

Jeffrey Siegal

Advisory Circle

Liviu Nedelescu

Bob Klapetzky


Thank you to our founding sponsor, Dean LeBaron and former sponsors: