In the era of global connectivity, it is easier than ever for epidemics to spiral into pandemics. NECSI analysis shows how best to contain them.

Increases in food prices have driven vulnerable populations to desperation. NECSI analysis reveals two main forces driving the global food price upward: ethanol conversion and speculation. This work has direct and immediate policy implications.

Economic Crises
NECSI has begun a detailed analysis of the dynamic flow of money in economic systems. Our models can begin to guide monetary and fiscal policy towards sustained economic growth.

Rising costs, medical errors, and low quality in healthcare reflect problems with system organization. NECSI's healthcare systems research focuses on improving the structure of provider organizations: how to lower costs, improve preventative medicine, and enhance patient care—including dramatic reductions in medical errors.

Teams at work, and teams in life — a human mandala. Join, become part of the team. From now on, it is about we and not about me or you. We are one.

NECSI research into the causes of ethnic violence have identified one factor that strongly predicts sectarian strife: the spatial geography of different cultural, religious and ethnic groups.