Postdoctoral fellows and student researchers are an integral part of NECSI’s academic and research community. We are seeking highly motivated postdocs and students interested in contributing to the advancement of complex systems science.

Postdocs and students will have professional and leadership opportunities through NECSI’s:

  • educational programs in selected areas of advanced studies of the approach and methods of complex systems science;

  • research activities and publications through collaboration and mentoring by NECSI faculty and postdocs; and

  • special programs for NECSI Fellows.

Required Qualifications

  • Student researchers must have a post-secondary degree.

  • Postdoctoral fellows must have a Ph.D., or expected Ph.D. by time of employment, and an excellent publication record.

  • Outstanding, in-depth knowledge of complex systems theories, principles, and concepts.

  • Flexibility to work across different scientific domains.

  • Experience with developing models using agent-based modeling, discrete event modeling, system dynamics, or machine learning for complex systems.

  • Knowledge of one modern programming language and shown proficiency in manipulating large datasets, trouble-shooting and excellent problem solving.

  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a team.

  • Outstanding communication of research results in various formats including presentations, technical reports and publications.

    Members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

Application Forms and Instructions

The following items must be submitted by the application deadline of December 1:

  • A completed application form, signed by the applicant's supervisor at their home institution.

  • A copy of undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial electronic versions are fine).

  • A current CV.

  • One writing sample (i.e. published or unpublished paper).

  • Two letters of recommendation.

Please send application materials to The signature page (p. 3) can be signed and then scanned in or signed electronically.

Recommenders should submit their letters separately to Alternatively, you may mail the completed application to:

New England Complex Systems Institute
277 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139