Psychology research is haunted by the “ghosts" of unfounded assumptions and flawed methodologies. After a half century career as a pre-eminent researcher and author, Prof. Jerome Kagan challenges us to go back to the basics, to re-evaluate the methods we use to collect data and the theories that we base our conclusions on.

We invited Prof. Kagan to give a talk about the distortions in understanding, data collection and research methodology that scientists may be unaware of while drawing conclusions about the causality between behavior, mental conditions, socio-economic factors and biological indicators.

Short Bio: Jerome Kagan is Professor of Psychology Emeritus, Harvard University, where he was co-director of the Mind/Brain Behavior Interfaculty Initiative. He is the author of nearly 400 papers and numerous books. He lives in Belmont, MA. Prof. Kagan is also one of the founding faculty of the New England Complex Systems Institute.

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