Professor Hiroshi Tasaka is the Founding Representative Director of SophiaBank, a thinktank of the Softbank Group and Professor in the Department of Management and Informatics at Tama University in Tokyo. He is the Founding Director of the Japan Liason Office of the New England Complex Systems Institute.

Prof. Tasaka is interested both in the theory of complex systems and in its application to management and business. In particular, he has developed and actively promoted the concept of creation / incubation of new industries through building networks (consortia) of producers and consumers. Combining theory with practice, he himself has established 20 consortia involving over 700 companies. In addition to founding these consortia, in 1995, he founded CommerceNet Japan in collaboration with CommerceNet US, a nonprofit organization promoting electronic commerce.

In 1981, Prof. Tasaka received his PhD from the University of Tokyo. After a short time at a private corporation, he worked for the Battelle Memorial Institute from 1987 to 1988. In 1990, he participated in the foundation of the Japan Research Institute (JRI). He was a Director of JRI as well as President of the Center for the Strategy of Emergence until becoming Founding Director of SophiaBank.

Prof. Tasaka has written over a dozen books many of which are on the application of complex systems in business. (These are titles translated from Japanese. Links are to Amazon Japan):

Softbank Group
