New England Complex Systems Institute

Learn new concepts and methods to gain new skills and achieve better results.

Through our executive, professional, and academic programs, you can gain a new capability or skill, solve a specific academic or business challenge, set a new direction for yourself, or gain the insight to understand what’s happening in the world.


NECSI’s Executive Program has become the go-to place for leaders from all industries and sectors to learn about Complex Systems Science (CSS). CSS allows us to accurately predict real-world events and describe unintended consequences, dynamics, and emergent behaviors in real-world systems. Session starts May 5!


This course outlines the path medical science took to understand the human body and how to protect it (public health). Through five lectures, it bridges the gap between the fundamental sciences and how to apply them to medicine and public health, heart attacks, stroke, pandemics and how to fight them.


This course introduces a systems approach to understanding and influencing human action, enabling you to navigate risks and seize opportunities more effectively in contexts where people play a crucial role. Next session coming soon!


Gain new insights that reframe your thinking, specific tools to advance current projects, and perspectives to set new directions. Next session coming soon!